![UNCOIL YOUR POWER AND JOY WITHIN: SECRETS OF KUNDALANI YOGA WITH SPECIAL GUEST MANDEEP, SPIRITUAL TEACHER](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
There is a science of mind and body that can transform your life. It is called Yoga. On Love University podcast, we welcomed beloved Yoga teacher, Mandeep (HOME | Kundalini Collective), as she enlightened us on the benefits and joys of yoga practice. Here is what we learned:
*Yoga offers many benefits. The practice of yoga improves mood, concentration, and decision-making, as well as the immune system, while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It can help in weight loss. It can teach trauma victims how to tolerate discomfort and integrate their past experiences into their mind and body. In addition, practicing yoga in a group setting can increase your sense of community, togetherness, and sharing.
*You can reduce your Monkey Mind. In the East, the “Monkey Mind” refers to all of the chattering thoughts you have in your head (“I have to pay bills; I’m late for work”) that prevent you from maintaining peace and relaxation. Fortunately, in yoga, you can practice Mudras (hand/finger movements) that occupy your body while your mind can relax. The good news is that you don’t have to sit still and think of nothing when you practice yoga meditation. You can chant, breathe, stretch, and perform mudras to integrate your mind, body, and spirit.
*Yoga can help you raise your consciousness. In her studio, Mandeep teaches Kundalini Yoga, a way to inner peace and union with the Higher Nature by uncoiling the energy within you. Kundalini yoga contains many schools of yoga in one teaching, one practice, and expresses Mandeep’s philosophy: “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
You can raise your emotional, physical, and spiritual level by incorporating yoga practice into your daily life. By tapping into your inner energy and power, you can calm your Monkey Mind, release tension and fear, and develop a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life. It’s true that yoga can be a great tool for your inner and outer advancement. Remember: The way to union and peace comes from an everyday commitment to understanding and integrating your mind, body, and soul.
![THE GO FOR IT PRINCIPLE: NOTHING CAN STOP YOU FROM ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
![HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF AND ACCEPT YOUR GREATNESS](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Do you really love yourself in an authentic way? Loving yourself authentically means that you have a deep understanding and appreciation of who you really are. You accept yourself as you are without excessively judging and criticizing yourself. For many people, authentic self-love is difficult because they judge themselves harshly and push themselves too hard. The solution is to have balanced self-love, in which you love and forgive yourself, while recognizing your areas of needed improvement. Here’s how to practice self-love in a healthy and powerful way:
*Write a self-love letter. Write a letter from the perspective of your future self. Write as if your future self is asking your present self an important question: Am I living my most authentic, healthy, and love-filled life right now? Perhaps, you’re not living healthily right now—eating the wrong foods, indulging in bad habits. Maybe, you’re not living an authentic and loving life because you’re in an incompatible relationship or career. If that’s the case, then you need to change course right now so your future self will benefit from your current decisions: practice healthy habits, choose the right career or relationship, and develop your inner and outer self.
*Practice radical self-care. Give special attention to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Get enough rest and exercise, eat healthy, and engage in positive and life-affirming hobbies, occupations, and pursuits. When you do this, you are able to give more to others because you have more to give.
*Repeat a self-love mantra. Every morning when you wake up, repeat a phrase that acknowledges your specialness as a human being and the great gift you have been given, which is Life. Say something like this: “Today I am fortunate to wake up. I am alive. I am not going to waste this precious gift known as ‘Human Life.’ Instead of anger and fear, I will have thoughts of peace, love, confidence, and security. I am blessed.” When you repeat this phrase on a daily basis, you will unleash hidden power. Instead of seeing the world from a mindset of lack and insecurity, you will realize that there is an abundance of everything you need in the world, and within yourself.
It's important to remember that healthy self-love is not egotism, selfishness, or narcissism. It is a balanced appreciation and acceptance of who you really are, while recognizing the specialness of all human beings. When you love yourself authentically, you have more love to give to others. You also have more energy, vitality, and confidence to achieve your greatness and leave a lasting legacy of goodness, love, and contribution. Love yourself today, and spread your love to the world without expectation. That is the greatest secret of all.
![GRATITUDE: THE TREMENDOUS POWER THAT WILL ATTRACT EVERYTHING YOU NEED](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Gratitude is a tremendous power for inner and outer success. Gratitude is the recognition and appreciation that the good that you receive comes from outside you—from the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature), loved ones, and even from strangers. When you are grateful, you have less depression and anxiety, and better sleep. You also have growth and increase in your finances, career, relationships, health, joy, and ultimate success. On our latest Love University Podcast, we discovered how to unleash the tremendous power of Gratitude in your daily life. Here’s what we learned:
*Use Gratitude to Banish Ungratefulness. When ungrateful thoughts come in your mind—"I never get any breaks; everyone is doing better than me”—don’t dwell on these mental intruders. Instead, think of everything that you’re grateful for: Your life, loved ones, friends, career, finances, the place you live, the food you eat, clothes you wear, your pets, hobbies, and the marvelous things you are able to see, feel, and experience. Look around and observe the beauty of the world: babies, sunsets, nature, inventions, creations, and love expressed by those who love. Always realize that there is much to be grateful about in the world.
*Be grateful in advance. To get what you want, be grateful for what you want, even if you don’t have it yet. If you want a new house, for example, visualize that you already have it and be grateful for it. When you do this, you will release a tremendous amount of positive energy that will help make your dream home a reality. Because you are already experiencing the same feelings (joy) that you would have if you owned the house, you will generate more enthusiasm, perseverance, and dedication to make your dream come true.
*Love more fully each day. You don’t know how long you have on earth, so it’s important that you give all the love you have to give on a daily basis. Say “I love you” to those you truly care about. Do what you love to do for work. Express love mentally to everyone around you—even strangers. When you do this, your level of gratitude and appreciation for life will soar, and you will attract more wonderful people, opportunities, and circumstances into your world.
Love University students, your goal this week is to practice gratitude on a daily basis. When you do this, you will raise yourself to greater heights of emotional and spiritual well-being. You will also help create a circle of gratefulness in which you inspire others to be grateful as well. Remember: A grateful world is a happy and joyous place where love and harmony abound. Be grateful today and always.
![DO THE IMPOSSIBLE: THE AMAZING POWER OF THE HARA--ONE POINT FOCUS](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
You have a tremendous power near your navel. It is called the Hara. In Eastern philosophy and martial arts, the Hara is the physical point that exists two inches below your navel. When a martial artist is centered in their Hara, they cannot be pushed or pulled by another person, no matter how strong the other individual is. They have tremendous one-point focus. In today’s Love University Podcast, you will learn how to apply the power of the Hara—one point focus—to maintain your mental balance and actualize your dreams. Here’s what you can do:
*Ask yourself: What’s the most important thing I need to do today that would make everything else unnecessary? By narrowing your focus to your ultimate goal for the day—family, health, spiritual development, creativity—everything else will tend to fall into place. When you do the most important thing first, you will find that you have enough time and energy to take care of the practical and mundane aspects of life.
*Redirect your Distractions: Distractions fill your world—technology, people, things to do, your own thoughts. To maintain a one-point focus, you need to be aware of, and eliminate, distractions. In a pad or notebook, write down all the things that distract you and drain your energy on a daily basis, whether it’s social media, needless texts, or negative news. Also, write down how you feel when you participate in the distracting activity (sad, worried, stressed). Now, redirect your attention and focus to the things that really matter and make a positive difference in your life—career/work, family, spiritual and physical health, and improving your state of mind. When you do this, you will be more focused, peaceful and powerful.
*Practice the Million Mile Palm: In this exercise, you will stand with your right foot in front, and feet shoulder length apart. You will inhale deeply and bring your right palm up to your face (palm facing to the left). Now imagine that there is a solid brick next to your face that represents the most serious problem or obstacle that stands in the way to achieving your ultimate goal. Perhaps, you see the barrier as being a lack of money, ability, education, and so forth. Next, as you exhale, quickly and explosively extend your palm straight out as far as you can reach as if you were pushing through the brick, one million miles into the distance. As you do this, visualize that you have already accomplished your goal, whether it’s a great relationship, amazing job, impeccable health, or sterling financial/career success.. Rejoice. You have broken through the mental barrier that has kept you from fulfilling your dream by going one million miles beyond it.
It's true. With practice and perseverance, you can develop the pure power of unadulterated one-point Hara focus. With an inalterable focus and disciplined mind, you will blast beyond the barriers and obstacles of life to reach your ultimate destination: Love, success, and happiness.
![LEARN THE 3 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS: FOREVER JOY CAN BE YOURS](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Friday Feb 25, 2022
![DEBT SUCKS: GET OUT OF DEBT AND INTO FINANCIAL FREEDOM: WITH SPECIAL GUEST, JA’NET ADAMS, INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL COACH](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
As we enter the New Year, money is on the minds of many people. The good news is that this year can be your most prosperous and successful year ever if you follow the rules of money and wealth. Our guest on Invincible You, Ja’Net Adams, an international money coach, enlightened us on how to start 2022 in the right financial way. Here’s what we learned:
Create a Positive Money Story. Many people learn negative money stories when they’re growing up (“you’ll die in debt”; “money doesn’t grow on trees”). The key is to write down and repeat positive money stories to yourself on a daily basis, “I can be rich,” “There is more abundance in my life every day.” When you do this, you will attract more abundance and riches—financial and emotional—into your life.
Know Your Money Type. It’s important to embrace your money style and do what feels comfortable to you. If you’re a Security Seeker, you like to save and invest money. If you’re a Meaning Seeker, use money for your crusade or mission to help others in life (a nonprofit). If you’re a Knowledge Seeker, use money to advance your wisdom and knowledge (seminars, conferences, books). Finally, if you’re an Excitement Seeker, you can learn how to put money aside in a “fun” fund to do the exotic, fun things you have always wanted to do (safari in Africa).
Don’t Let Money Get in the Way of Your Dreams. Ask yourself, if money weren’t an object, what would I do (your dream)? Make a Dream Sheet and write down your short-term (paying off debt), middle-term (buying a better car), and long-term dreams (travel, your children’s college education). When you have a definite money plan and implement it, you will have the motivation to save and invest to reach your ultimate goals in life.
The truth is that money can be a vehicle for love. When you do something you love, you receive appreciation in the form of money. Then, you take that money to buy goods and services, and you express appreciation for what you receive. In this way, money can circulate throughout the world—bringing love and positivity to humanity. Make this year your most prosperous ever by creating a positive money story, knowing your money type, and using money to achieve your dreams of love, health, and happiness for you and your loved ones.
![YOU CAN BE RICH: WITH SPECIAL GUEST ANITA MAE AGUILAR, AMERICA‘S TIKTOK WEALTH MINDSET COACH](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Would you like to be rich? Our guest on Invincible You, Anita Mae Aguilar (manifestingmoneypodcast.thinkific.com), shared some of her secrets for developing a wealth mentality and achieving success in every area of your life. Here’s what we learned from Anita:
1.Create a Money Abundance Story: What you tell yourself about money is crucial. Do you say limiting phrases like “Money doesn’t grow on trees?” Or do you say “Money is ever-growing and ever-flowing into my life.” The second phrase is the affirmative phrase you should be repeating to yourself to create a mind of money attraction.
- Make Money Your Best Friend: Would you ignore your best friend and expect them to want to be with you? No, you would give your best friend your utmost time and attention as they do the same for you. In the same way, study money and give it your time and attention. Observe how money comes in and out of your life. Write down your beliefs about money. Read, listen, and learn about money mind attraction principles. The more time you spend learning about money, the more money will want to be your friend and will come into your life.
- Practice “Being Doing Having.” Many people think in terms of “Having” (material goods and money), “Doing” (being motivated to do things), and then “Being” (happy). Anita tells us to reverse the phrase to “Being” (be happy first), “Doing” (what it takes to reach your goals), and finally “Having” (you will achieve your heart’s desires). When you feel happy and successful first, you will attract the good things in life that harmonize with your feelings of happiness and success. This may include financial riches as well as emotional and spiritual wealth.
Yes, you can be rich. You can be rich in money, love, health, relationships, career, and happiness. As Anita teaches, everything starts with your beliefs and your sense of inner worth. If you believe that you are worthy of riches and greatness, you will attract it. Start today by saying: “I am wealth, I am love, I am joy.” Do this and you will be what you feel.
![REVERSAL SECRETS: THE PARADOXICAL POWER OF GETTING OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY AND ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
![THE AMAZING POWER OF REVERSAL: DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU‘VE BEEN DOING AND GET WHAT YOU‘VE BEEN DREAMING OF](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/12844912/Invincible_You_Logo_x8dmi9_300x300.jpeg)
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021